Is the Human Lifespan ...Limitless? 

SUNRISE, FLA. (11 Aug. 1998 16:05 EST) 

In a recent article from the Journal of Gerontology, scientists discussed examples from nature...that suggest that there may be no limit to human longevity.

The existence of millennia old trees and 140-year-old fish suggest that no firm limit to built into the human genes. 

The record for a documented human lifespan is 122.4 years, achieved by the French woman Jean Calment, who died in 1997. However, this advanced age pales in comparison to that of the world's oldest living organism, a 4,862-year-old bristlecone pine found in the high Nevada mountains of the western United States. Certain animals, including the rockfish of the Northern Pacific, or the Orange Roughy, found in southern oceans, routinely achieve lifespans of 140 years or more. 

As humans age, the physiological vitality of their earlier years becomes a distant memory and they a very fragile state. This is because human life, like that of most mammals, follows a pattern of "gradual senescence"...or the "switching off" of reproductive ability in mid-life, which is followed by a slow but steady decline in physical and mental function.

However the bristlecone pine, the rockfish, and other long-lived species do not follow this pattern. Researchers have absence of age related changes in the sexual reproduction of trees aged 700-4,713, as judged in the laboratory by pollen germination, by seed weight, and by seedling growth rates. In fact, if they are not destroyed by fires, insect infestation or other hazards, most bristlecone pines retain their "youthful vigor" well into their fifth millennium. Similarly, the examination of very old rockfish revealed that females had abundant, newly formed eggs and...appeared in fine health and continued to reproduce. 

The fact that these animals seem to escape aging...sugests that the process itself may not be inevitable. It is suggested this variability in lifespan points to hormonal and environmental factors...not genetic programming, as the prime determinants of longevity. If that is the case...efforts to modify human aging via anti-oxidants...are entirely consistent with those lifespan modifications...seen in other species. 

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Source: The Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 1998; 53A:1740-1748

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